The Hejaz Railway - Muheit station

The locations of stations between Medina and Damascus are shown on this map.

Muheit station

The following text and photographs are from the website and were provided to that site by Steve Turpin.

Muhit Station and Blockhouse.  (N24° 29.664’: E39° 28.200’)

The Muhit blockhouse is the first Turkish blockhouse north of Madinah station.  The buildings are constructed from black basalt.  The blockhouse is the standard two storey type for 25 men.  There is a barrack block for between 100 and 200 men with associated wells.  On the surrounding hills is a large square fortification and several smaller round outposts.

Above:  A view showing the relative position of the blockhouse and barrack block

Above:  This shows the rear view of the barracks building showing a circular outpost in the middle distance left and the hill top fort in the far distance right.  Below:  The Muhit Blockhouse

Above:  The Barracks.  Below:  The Fort

Google Earth photo sent to us by Yves Lévesque.